Thread: Trespassing...
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Old April 29, 2005, 02:31 PM   #39
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I think the original poster thinks the general pubic thinks that way because of the "Tresspassers will be shot" signs that have been around so long. ?? And the more facecitious 'survivors will be shot again' signs of late.

A lot of it depends on the trespassers behavior I think. Are they exhibiting violent behavior? Even if not directed at you personally. Is it reasonable to assume that if allowed to stay unconfronted, that they will continue to be violent and perhaps even direct it towards you & yours? If so then it would could be a wise decision to confront them while armed. I wouldn't just come out blasting, but I'd be careful and 911 and all that.

And that bit about what if they barge in and not threaten you directly, but shoot your dog? They've exhibited violent behavior, its reasonable to assume that they would continue such violence if allowed, so bang bang. Means , oppurtunity and demeanor fulfilled.
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