Thread: LGS Ripoff!
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Old March 17, 2013, 02:05 PM   #30
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Join Date: December 30, 2010
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Hate to say this but when walmart has upped there federal 9mm only a buck since the madness happened and the lgs doubles the price it IS gouging IMO.
Wally World doesn't rely on guns and ammo to keep the doors open. They make their money selling socks and toilet paper (and the mundane items like them) for the most part.

The funny thing is none of the people that complain have a clue as to what the gun shops are paying for items on their shelves. One of my LGS was buying a lot of their stock from customers just to have something on the shelves. That included guns and ammo. And, they were paying more for those items than what they were paying their distributors.
Stay Groovy
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