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Old January 9, 2014, 02:03 PM   #965
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Ruger has also suspended production of different things until they get their newest facility up & running. Also it's relevant to note that this is a normal process for Ruger with much precedence: they have suspended different items from the catalog numerous times over the years and then brought them back. The most recent example is the .480 Ruger chambered Redhawk revolvers. My .30 Carbine chambered Blackhawk is another example, that one was ceased multiple times and just keeps coming back. Actually, I ordered mine when it wasn't even a currently cataloged item. Had to wait a couple months to get it.

When Ruger makes a grand announcement that a model has been retired from production (as they did quite recently with the P-series semi-auto pistols or in the past with the Service Six line of revolvers) that's when you can starting ringing the death knell.
Attention Brass rats and other reloaders: I really need .327 Federal Magnum brass, no lot size too small. Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss.
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