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Old February 18, 2009, 02:26 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: February 12, 2009
Posts: 6
Unintended consequences

There are, as I'm discovering, lots of threads about keeping handguns on bedside tables and shooting intruders. My question is this...

Given that most of the houses in CA are basically drywall and wood frame and the likelihood that you will miss at least one shot in an exchange (barring all the ninja crackshots etc) or even going through the target what are the risks of a bullet (yours) hitting a neighbour? If you have no neighbours then you needn't tell me so.

What is the legal situ in this case? Also, let's say you fired the first shot and then the intruder fired back and HIS bullet hit a neighbour, would you b on the hook for starting the firing and he could say it was self-defense? (yes, I know, but this is America where someone sued because the coffee they were served was too hot....)

Would a shotgun not be a better home defense choice? I can't think of anything more intimidating to a burglar than the noise of a pump-action being readied for action.
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