Thread: Training
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Old February 17, 2006, 07:00 PM   #9
Join Date: February 12, 2006
Posts: 15
cleaning my pistol the other day, and my 3yo girl walked up and pointed at it, not touching, and asked "what is that?" I answered, "that is my pistol, it is not a toy, you can touch it only if I'm around". She just looked at me and said, "ok, I understand", and turned around and left.

She is young, but I was taught that guns are not toys at a very young age, in a household where my father kept a loaded 357 mag in his night stand. He showed us, my sister and I, that it was there, and only he was to touch it. We respected this.

I'm not as trusting, but I still try to show them that guns don't kill people like TV likes to depict, and my daughter asks about that all the time.

She helps me reload, and is in the house when I shoot outside, and watches me all the time.

I think she acts way older than she is.
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