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Old January 15, 2006, 10:07 AM   #13
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Join Date: June 21, 2002
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The 'modern' isoscoles has become by far the most popular in the action shooting games for auto pistols and revolvers. Simple reason for that too, it works better.

The Weaver is what I was taught at an early age, and changing something as important to shooting as your normal stance is very difficult. The biggest difference I have noticed going away from the Weaver and into the modern iso is the amount of tension in my body has dropped ten fold, this allows me to recover from recoil so much faster it isn't funny. The lower tension also allows you to move athletically from one target to the next or from one position to the next. Increased accuracy is another gain, without the tension your 'wobble zone' is a lot smaller. Another large gain is the placement of the weak hand on the grip helps control the tracking of the sights much better than it can when pulling on the fingers of the strong hand.

Even with very heavy recoiling revolvers the Iso is the way to go IMO, especially since your strong hand wrist, elbow and shoulder don't take the pounding of the recoil. Instead they all work together like a shock absorber.
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