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Old August 7, 2009, 03:01 AM   #75
maestro pistolero
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I doubt that I would have sat in the car while the guy was raging, hitting my car window and threatening me, because you are a sitting duck in a car if the guy were to escalate. There is nowhere to take cover sitting in a car if the guy produced a weapon.

If you can't drive away quickly, get out of the car (take your keys) and move away from the assailant, if possible. Don't turn your back on him.

If he attempts to strike you, soak his face with pepper spray (I always have it with me, especially if I am armed) move to safety ASAP and call the police.

Constantly monitor his hand movements. If they disappear in a furtive move as if for a weapon, yell STOP while you draw to the low ready, seeking cover at the same time. If he produces a weapon you may have no further choice in the matter.

At all times attempt to plot an escape route that provides cover. If you are able to move to safety without endangering yourself or anyone else, do it. But do not turn your back on the assailant until you are free of danger.

The rule of thumb is that the resistance has to fit the threat. There are a lot of variables, including age, physical condition of the parties, the number of assailants, and the type of threat.

In the OP's case, I'm not sure that drawing a weapon was entirely called for, nor were any of the other tactics that I suggested here employed. I wasn't there, of course, so I will curtail any further armchair analysis. My best advise is to have at least one non-lethal option available to you, especially when you are armed.

My two cents.
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