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Old August 15, 2012, 01:47 PM   #52
Senior Member
Join Date: November 30, 2010
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If you've ever been in a bike or car wreck, (or bodyboarding wipeout...), you might have experienced the phenomenon. Time doesn't change, and reaction speed doesn't miraculously increase, but the events from the first-person perspective seem to take painfully long.
+1, I have had a few close calls where I could have easily been killed and what happens in a matter of a few seconds seems like a lifetime. The strange thing is in each instance I expected myself to panic, but actually I stayed very calm and my mind was clearer than it ever had been before. I was able to make quick calculated decisions in a time where you would not expect yourself too. Until it happens to you it is tough to explain, very strange how the mind and body works. One of the instances I actually remember from 3rd party perspective, almost like an outer body experience... Crazy stuff
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