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Old October 11, 2005, 08:55 PM   #2
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Join Date: January 18, 2005
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OMGosh! This would put one on THIN ice, but IF I SUSPECTED SUCH A THING in addition to calling 911 I would have my holster unsnapped and WOULD NOT comply with getting out of the car or anything until I confirmed their badge numbers. If they saw my CHL license (or in Texas I had to show it to them) I would not give up my gun and might very well even pull my gun and have a standoff with them and wait 'till another REAL cop showed up or was called to straighten it out or until I got confirmation of their badge numbers if I suspected any such thing.
If anyone considers this dangerous, they are right. If anyone thinks this illegal or threatening an officer (if that is who it is. Police themselves draw their weapons on suspicious potentially dangerous men, why should anybody else take any fewer precautions) I would rather take my chances in court or even go to jail than surrender to what you just described (There is not a smilie?? face I can insert in this space to reflect the serious expression on my face as I type this)
Granted this odds of any of this ever occuring while pulled over are highly improbable, but just the thought sends a chill through my spine.

Giving this a little more thought, another (and even safer option if available) option would be to take off in your car after they have pulled you over and lead them on a chase (if they chase you) to the nearest police station or marked police car you spot.
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