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Old January 2, 2007, 08:00 PM   #53
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Join Date: March 28, 2000
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Now that that's cleared up, it seems that carrying a DA-capable revolver with a fully loaded cylinder is similar to carrying a chambered Glock.
Indeed it is. If the gun is loaded and you pull the trigger, it goes bang. The main differences are that 1) the Glock has a higher capacity and 2) the revolver has a much longer, harder trigger pull
I think I'm stumbling toward the realization that I'd be more comfortable with a CCW piece that has a manual safety, such as the 1911. I don't want to grab for the Glock in the heat of the moment, misplace a finger when squeezing the grip, and blow a hole in my leg or my kid. That was the motivation for empty-chamber Glock carry, but I'm coming around to the 1911 + condition 1 line of thinking.
Don't expect me to argue against carrying a 1911 condition 1...

However, if your fear is having your finger on the trigger when it shouldn't be there, then I would argue that the answer is more/better training not different equipment. I've attended Lethal Force Institute, Sigarms Academy, Smith & Wesson Academy, and Cumberland Tactics. I strongly suggest that you get your self to some additional training and then practice a lot dry.

You can screw up with a manual safety as well, so that's no panacea for a lack of training.
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