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Old August 22, 2009, 02:12 PM   #34
Join Date: December 2, 2008
Location: Valley of the SUN, AZ
Posts: 34
Would like to say right off the top that I HAVE worn the uniform.
I CANNOT say I am at all surprised about the statement that cops bring deadly force with them and are PREDISPOSED to use it- Many shall do so as their First Choice! Given a chance, many want to. I have seen this mentality first hand ; it is ugly. " 43 wounds with some of them in his chest would indicate all shots were not while he was lying down." How so? Is it impossible to shoot a man in the chest if he is on the ground with six cops emptying their guns into him?
It sure SOUNDS excessive- sounds like the "majic number" of rounds is "how many do you have?"
- it is ugly. stinks to high heaven.
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