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Old April 28, 2009, 06:57 PM   #9
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Join Date: April 3, 2009
Posts: 240
comn-cents , Thank you or that ... I'm glad the actual innocent was not shot , even though he seemed like the perp. I'm also glad you remained on the phone to know so and get what information you needed.

Mr. Armstrong , while I agree and understand the sentiment .... To me this is like a situation of a speaker who was formerly into drugs , or a policemen formerly shot and going to schools of information to share their story ... While incredibly hard to live through over and over , I'm hoping that by sharing the traumatizing experience with others just might help another , will make the sharing not only worth it , but therapeutic...

While I don't have any Gun related stories , I've had many "relationship" type events that have traumatized me over the years ( Single dad of two kids , raising them both as well as a very introspective philosophic thought process ) ... while sharing them on an internet blog , I was able to not only release that concern and bring my demons to the surface.... I have often heard feedback from others who also had been dealing with the same demons and were able to relate.

Those that hadn't been able to relate were able to step abck and really truly put themselves in those shoes long enough to have a better understanding of the reality and no longer relied on " hollywod " scenerios....

Sometime sthe anonymity of the internet helps to relase the past and the struggles without ear of judgment ...

Either way , I appreciate and look forward to any real stories experienced.
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