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Old September 18, 2011, 06:59 PM   #1049
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Good point. There is only one conspiracy -- this effort, Fast & Furious, to lend truth to the fiction that firearms are flowing to Mexico from the United States.

This has always been a fiction; and this administration wanted "evidence" that their thoroughly debunked claims were true. It backfired; and those conspirators are now stonewalling the Congress of the United States in an effort to cover up their misdeeds.

Perhaps it it time for everyone to go back and read POST #1.
Gun Control: The premise that a woman found in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is morally superior to allowing that same woman to defend her life with a firearm.

"Science is built up with facts, as a house is with stones. But a collection of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house." - Jules Henri Poincare

"Three thousand people died on Sept. 11 because eight pilots were killed"
-- former Northwest Airlines pilot Stephen Luckey
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