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Old February 7, 2007, 02:36 AM   #72
Senior Member
Join Date: August 3, 2006
Location: Willy
Posts: 320
Originally Posted by Socrates

I regularly go to areas of the competing murder capitols of the US, Richmond and Oakland, and, my travels take me into areas most folks don't want to go to.
Fortunately for you, you get to leave Richmond. I live here, but I'll be danged if criminals are going to drive me from my beautiful city.

My biggest concern, since I carry open-top IWBs, is someone else in the next stall grabbing the pistol from the holster. I usually try to use the end/handicapped stall because it is bigger and usually cleaner. Most of the germs you will catch something from come from dangling certain parts into places they shouldn't be (got that one from Mythbusters).
I am kind of a germ freak like Monk, I use a paper towel if I don't have to pull a lever to get it to open the door and lock it, I don't I sit down, I then use the towel to flush, open the stall door, turn off the faucet (if necessary), and open the door to leave. I usually keep any of my clothing from touching the floor. Public bathrooms are sometimes filthy, but I've not had a problem with them after getting over a childhood phobia of public p1ssers.

Also, never use a urinal. Bad juju.
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