Thread: Neck sizing...
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Old November 28, 1998, 11:25 PM   #6
Senior Member
Join Date: November 19, 1998
Posts: 986
I concur with all of the above, except for the '50s vintage neck annealing instructions. More recent info shows that even the dullest red heat in the dimmest light anneals the brass too much, all the way to dead soft. Neck tension and bullet pull wind up being too light for the next few loadings. IIRC, the excessively high heat results in a really large "grain size" in the metal as well.

The better approach is to just dip the cases in molten lead until the mid-body gets on the uncomfortable side to hold. Then drop the cases in the friendly pail of water.

Keep the water bucket way down on the floor and a bit to the side, too. No splashes allowed in your lead pot! Carefully segregate brass and dry your hands, etc., so you don't experience explosive boiling launching tiny lead particles your way. As should be done even with the torch on cases in the pan technique, ALWAYS wear eye protection.

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