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Old May 2, 2009, 03:40 AM   #15
Senior Member
Join Date: February 17, 2009
Posts: 385
the best looking cougar is a dead one. Ugh, I absolutley hate those things. When I was 16 I worked as an archery counsilor at a summer scout camp. We had all just gotten girlfriends, and so me, my cousin, and my best friend, who also worked out there, would go up to a certain hill that we had cell phone service at and call them, well one day we worked late so we did not get a chance to go up, so we decided to sneak up there after curfew that night (10 o clock) I think there was an extra kid so we had 4 all together. We were about a mile away from our camp and were going over a small bridge near a different camp site. We heard some rustling in a tree and figured it was just some scouts screwing around. Someone shined there light up there and suddenly THUMP! A cat drops right into our light beams, I remember it was not even that big, but a fraction of a second after it landed, its hair shot up and it let out the most satanic noise I have ever heard in my life. Im serious this could stop a 10 year old kids heart. It sounded like when a cat fights, only a little deeper and sounded like it was put through a microphone with 10 amps hooked up to it. They say not to run from a cougar, screw that. Yeah it probably would have been smarter, but the cat was cornered and ready to attack, and the flee instinct was way to strong to resist. The thought not to run never even crossed out heads. We ran faster than I have ever ran in my life, and by the time we were 50 feet away, we were all running with unfolded gerber knives in our hands. We must have sprinted at least a quarter mile to the first building we saw. As I recall the fat kid threw up. After an hour of standing on the steps of the camp headquarters, we cautiosly went back to our cabin hill, woke everyone up and told them we had seen a cougar in camp. Noone believed us until it crossed paths with one of the camp directors. Have not seen one since, and hope I never do again.
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