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Old January 21, 2013, 08:21 PM   #29
Senior Member
Join Date: January 2, 2013
Posts: 167
Man. Why can't Bersa make exactly the gun I WANT? (We all think this about for our Grail guns, right?)

I want the light weight alloy CC. I want the bobbed beaver CC. I want the shorter grip CC, but I want it even shorter, like with only 7 rounds, so it's automatically legal in NY (MFers). I want the shorter barrel CC.

But I want the sights and hammer from the regular Thunder 380. And the CC grips are a little ugly.

(Oh, and if it shot the hotter 9mm Mak like the Polish P-64, that would make it even more perfect.)

Right now it's kind of a toss-up. Is there that much real-world difference in carry size/weight/comfort/print between the regular Thunder 380 and the CC?

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