Thread: Gun vs. Knife
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Old September 8, 2006, 08:45 PM   #15
Join Date: September 1, 2006
Location: NW Ohio
Posts: 77
Forgot to mention...our training used to say that an ideal gap between us and a suspect was 21 feet. If you actually measure out 21' and mark it you'll see that it's probably further than you think. This distance was to assure us time to draw our firearm, baton or pepper spray and employ it before a charging suspect could reach us. The most recent training we've gotten has increased that distance to 30 feet. Truth be told, we never address people from that distance. It's rarely possbile (when you're in a room that is only 12'x12' it's physically impossible) and if I stood 21-30 feet away from a brawl, yelling at the combatants to break it up they wouldn't even hear me.
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