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Old November 17, 2001, 01:27 AM   #9
Join Date: October 10, 2001
Location: Montana
Posts: 73
Our skinning method sounds goofy as hell, but it's worked great for us for many years now. Hang field dressed deer from overhead beam w/ rope around neck just behind head. Continue your gutting belly cut all the way up to the throat, then cut all the way around the neck. Cut around each leg just above the joint, then slit up the inside of the leg till it meets the belly cut, again on each leg. Then peel down hide from the neck until you have 8-10 inches free. Place a golf ball or small rock in the fur side of the hide, push it up so it makes a bump, then tie a stout cord around the rock w/ a noose or slip knot. Tie the other end of the cord to the winch on your truck or four-wheeler and wind it in. Pulls the hide right off like peeling off a glove inside out. Takes less than a minute and gets the hide of cleaner than I can do with a knife, leaving little scraping if you tan your own.
The most terrifying sound in nature is not the roar of a charging lion nor the whistle of a descending bomb; rather, it is a click when you expect to hear a bang." Peter Hathaway Capstick, or, "Why I hate the M16A1"
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