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Old October 16, 2012, 02:38 AM   #1
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Join Date: August 9, 2012
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Posts: 14
USPSA: First Impression & Possible Alternatives

I recently participated in a few USPSA matches and rediscovered the long ago lost feeling of competitive drive and focus that I once had so many years ago. I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, with having to wait almost an hour between turns, I ultimately spent 4 hours just so that I could shoot for a total of 2-3 minutes.

Granted, those 2 or 3 minutes were some of the most exhilarating minutes of shooting I've had in a very long time and perhaps if I didn't have to drive so far to be able to attend the majority of matches (aside from one), having to wait a hour between turns shooting wouldn't feel like such a significant drawback. I have yet to shoot at an IDPA or IPSC event, but reason tells me that it likely wouldn't be much different. Perhaps those of you who have done so could tell me otherwise.

Competitive practical pistol shooting is something that I would very much like to pursue but given my circumstances and the amount of time spent waiting, it's hard for me to justify continuing further beyond the one monthly match that is actually nearby. I know there's lots of other kinds of competitive shooting but, again, I'm hoping those of you with more experience in that might be able to point me in the direction of some possible alternatives which may typically have a more reasonable balance between shooting and waiting.

Don't take this as a knock on USPSA or that I have no sense of patience. It's awesome to be challenged in such a way, but 4 hours to shoot for 3 minutes is a bit much for me. I suspect I might be better off pursuing a different discipline....if I can find one that fits me or unless I move into the area with a possible new job that's in the works. Anyway, I appreciate everybody's time as well as any input or thoughts you might have on the subject . Take care and have a good one.
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