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Old November 17, 2011, 09:45 AM   #1546
Bartholomew Roberts
Join Date: June 12, 2000
Location: Texas and Oklahoma area
Posts: 8,462
Sipsey Street Irregulars has an email from Glen Cook to the AUSA in El Paso that may prove revealing. Apparently, agents in El Paso caught some bad guys with a bunch of Fast and Furious guns. They attempted to prosecute these guys but the Phoenix ATF office declined to be helpful with that; eventually forcing the El Paso agents to subpoena Bill Voth and Hope McAlister.

The December 17, 2010 email is significant for two reasons:

1, Glen Cook (who depending on whether it was Glenn Cook or Glen Cook is either an AUSA or an ATF agent) writes about the missing 2,000 guns from Fast & Furious in the email and sarcastically suggests Phoenix get a really good PR team.

2. A conflict of this type between El Paso and Phoenix would get kicked up to higher levels in the Justice Department, as this email was forwarded - so Lanny Breuer is going to have an interesting time explaining how he was aware of this conflict but managed to miss a comment about 2,000 guns going missing in December 2010. Of course, that presumes that Breuer will testify and so far DOJ is not accomodating that...

I can't imagine why DOJ is stalling on this. It is only going to get worse as the campaign season rolls around. Maybe they are hoping to paint it as a partisan attack?
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