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Old June 9, 2012, 05:07 PM   #54
Bartholomew Roberts
Join Date: June 12, 2000
Location: Texas and Oklahoma area
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I strongly suspect this is the case. None of my neighbors would confront me with a video camera, and then a drawn handgun, for making too much noise. Nor would I them. 'Course, I'm not wont to host loud parties!
I thought it might be an ongoing thing as well; especially given his "I am not losing to these people again!" comment to the 911 dispatcher; but according to the article I linked, he pulled this same stuff in his previous neighborhood and had not lived in this one all that long. Apparently next week's testimony includes former coworkers and neighbors who are going to testify that way.

I think the guy just may have a screw loose when it comes to interacting with society.
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