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Old November 4, 2008, 11:12 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Antipitas
As long as the majority (of those that vote), keep voting, then the government is authentic and legitimate. Those that don't vote merely indicate acquiescence to the status quo.
Quite true. It is the abuses which define the government in many people's minds -- thus the rise in militias and rampant patriot mythology several years ago.

The same government which decries the use of loopholes in the laws for the common man are busy as beavers exploiting the loopholes in the Constitution. Some examples would be the Commerce Clause, Article I, Section 8, Para 18, and the Supremacy Clause.

The commerce clause is now taken as empowering the federal government to regulate intrastate commerce as well as interstate commerce -- a view not held until very recently -- spawned by firearms laws. (The iron ore that was smelted into steel came from Canada; and was forged in Pennsylvania; and sold to a supplier in New Hampshire; which sold it to a firearm manufacturer in Massachusetts; which machined the raw billet into a pistol barrel so anything else the barrel is attached to becomes interstate commerce because the barrel is made from components which traveled in interstate commerce prior to becoming the finished product.) The drunken logic of legislators knows no bounds if it furthers their agendae.

Article I, Section 8, Para 18, in the minds of most congresspersons, gives them unlimited power to do whatever they please. They forget that the courts ruled long ago that the federal government acts as an agent of and to the states; but politicians believe the Supremacy Clause declares them to be the Lords and Masters of the states.

As I said before, it is the abuses which set the bar for legitimacy in the minds of many.
Gun Control: The premise that a woman found in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is morally superior to allowing that same woman to defend her life with a firearm.

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