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Old April 13, 2005, 10:12 AM   #24
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Join Date: December 2, 2004
Posts: 129
1969 or 70 headed home late at night, 3 kids sleeping in the back seat, trunk loaded down with extra stuff so my dims were a bit high, caught up with another car, and couldn't pass because of an oncoming car, passed as soon as possible.
The other car pulled right up on my bumper, so I kicked it a little more, he stayed right there up to 90, so I slowed down to let him get around 15 mph, but he stayed right there, back to 65 still right there.
With my wife, and kids in the car I told my wife that's enough of this Bull, I stuck my Ruger .22 auto out the window, which caused him to test his brakes, and remember previous engagements I guess, nowdays it would get me a trip to the hooskow, but that was a world away.
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