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Old September 7, 2013, 07:22 PM   #5
Join Date: December 2, 2011
Posts: 15
some very good points here

Originally Posted by nomadarmy View Post
And why is that?..... below is posted by jake2far and worth a read... for those of us that have more firearms than hands, and for those of us that like to build their own it is a suit that you should take notice, and look past that "SEI is suing me for what I said" and dig deeper into the suit itself,

Originally Posted by jake2far
Spent a fair amount of time thinking about this.
I have read every post in this thread.
I would encourage everyone to set aside their emotions for the time it takes to read this, please understand these are my thoughts and concerns, they may not be correct but I really believe important points have been missed.

1. The court papers stipulate Jason is a competitor.
I don't know Jason so I have to go on my limited knowledge base.
Jason is not in the business of manufacturing or building guns for profit.
He does not posses an FFL.
Jason had 5 receivers on order.

Really pay attention to this next leap of logic;
SEI has to prove Jason is in the business of manufacturing or building guns as a competitor. Their proof will be the 5 receivers on order as well as how many others Jason has built and owned.
This attempt to prove Jason is a non FFL holder that builds weapons for sale as a competitor has vast consequences for all gun owners.
The anti gun lobby for years has tried to establish a number of purchases allowed for private purchase, this number has been tossed around in legislation for years.
If SEI wins a judgment that Jason's purchase of 5 receiver constitutes a non FFL competitor than all people in the future who purchase 5 guns could be in the same boat.
If SEI convinces the court system that Jason has bought, built, and sold weapons without an FFL he could go to jail if the government decided that the judgment proves Jason was a non FFL builder.

To all of you who belong to this forum or any other gun forum, if you have collection of weapons that you have assembled over time, if you are planning on adding to your private collection, ya better wake up, this could be the first time in our legal system that the antis get a real number on how many you can purchase without becoming a felon.

2. SEI court documents claim that Jason is not a customer.
Most have missed the importance of this claim, it dovetails into the competitor claim.
SEI has their supply chain, companies that they have approved to sell their receivers to who than sell them to the public via retail sales with a form 4473.

Ok, so what you ask? The claim is being made Jason is not one of their approved outlets, that Jason was purchasing SEI product to compete with SEI.

Both claims assert that Jason thru the purchase of 5 receivers constitutes a non FFL seller and competitor.

If you have read this far thank you.

We need to stop these claims for no other reason than 5 receivers doesn't make a dealer.

I have thought about this for awhile,
I sell shims here, some members like me some don't, right now we all need to set aside our differences and stop this suit or at least win.
I sell my shims here and only here as a service for the members.

I will from now on for every sale of shim kits at $14.00 (my regular price) donate $5.00 to Jason's legal fund.
If we don't stand here and now for our rights to own and purchase guns than when will we?

I challenge all of you who wish to help, if you have an SEI product sell it, post the item on Ebay, Gun Broker, Craigslist or any other public sales forum. In the advertisement state a percent or a certain amount will be donated to the Jason Edward Hammond legal defense fund and show the link.
If we do this it will keep you from losing all of your money on the item, it will help fund Jason, and it will use SEI's own product to help Jason.

Some how the NRA or other gun lobby needs to become aware of what SEI is attempting to do, this needs to be stopped before a judgment is rendered that changes the number of private purchases of guns to less than 5.

Sorry for the long post.

Thank you

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