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Old April 22, 2011, 04:58 PM   #78
Join Date: November 9, 2008
Posts: 71
Like some of you, I live in the 4 miles out of town boonies. My house is at the end of a dead end road 1/2 mile off the county highway. In the daytime there is a beautiful view, so pretty that the area is called "Grandview". The problem is that we get a few "sightseers" each week well after dark until 10:00 or so. Nothing to see, no reason to be here, road is marked "No Outlet". They drive down here as if they own the place and then do a turn around and drive out the same way.

Point beiing that I always have a gun on my person, and also a P95 in the magazine rack next to the sofa. Paranoid? Don't think so. IDK if these late night tourists are just lost or looking for a victim, so I am always prepared.
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