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Old April 20, 2012, 06:03 PM   #4
Senior Member
Join Date: July 29, 2006
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I have two....a DB380 and PT1911.

DB380 broke after 25rds. Trigger was horrible. I bought it during my Glock faze. Went back to 1911s or similar guns like the P238. I no longer own any Glocks.

The PT1911 wouldn't feed any HP ammo and only 50% of ball no matter what brand, type of mag I used or how tweaked the extractor was. The finish came off like it was applied with a sharpie. The right side thumb safety fell off. Hammer follow happened after 50rds. Finally the frame dented easily when it slightly hit much softer material like wood. Total garbage and was the straw that broke any consideration for a single Taurus product ever again. I've owned other Taurus garbage and handled many more but that PT1911 was the last purchase.

Both guns were sold with-in a week of buying them.
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