Thread: Dog attack
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Old June 10, 2005, 07:12 PM   #68
Join Date: August 25, 2004
Location: Abilene, TX
Posts: 33
My Lab an I were the victims of a PB attack about a year ago so my opinions, right or wrong are based upon a personal experience.

"Would you run to the dog and shoot it? Or would you try to distract it and then shoot it? If it had released the victim and started to back off, would you still shoot it?

Like a fool, I had no means of self-defense other than my hands and feet when we were attacked (that will never happen again), but it is my opinion that since the attack occured in a residential neighborhood, and the ferocity of the attack it would have been extremely difficult to shoot the dog while attacking. Running up to the dog and shooting him while attacking would be extremely difficult, PB's latch on and don't let go.

Distract a PB, not likely, I kicked and beat the PB as hard as I could (I am not a little guy) and it never slowed him down, he was intent on killing my Lab, and my Lab was intent on protecting me. It took a baseball bat and two round house hits to the top of his head before he released.

Would I have shot him once he relaeased? No! As much as I would like to have, that was animal control's job. If I had of been armed and he tried to attack again, I would have shot him.
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