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Old January 28, 2013, 09:04 AM   #18
Join Date: December 16, 2012
Posts: 97
It occurs to me that some of our members may not be familiar with the Senate rules and not understand how the game works.

I understand: any new law has to pass BOTH houses of congress. The House is 2/3 republican. The chances of another AWB passing into law is ZERO, ZERO, ZERO.

I honestly don't understand the panic. The senate can stand on their hands and do cartwheels, because they know they will NEVER get any new AWB through the HOUSE. It's all political noise going nowhere.

The chance is zero ?? From what I understand, the vote,in NY , would of NEVER made it to the floor because the dems didn't have a majority to pass it. They petitioned the republicans for a "debate" on the bill and the republicans complied, essentially putting it up for a vote and viola...passed.

I'm not pointing fingers at any specific party...BUT..I suggest to NEVER say never.
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