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Old December 11, 2011, 10:55 AM   #14
Brian Pfleuger
Moderator Emeritus
Join Date: June 25, 2008
Location: Austin, CO
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The whole situation in many places creates a bit of a circular argument between the "believers" and "agencies".

Several years ago, I had a friend who told me all about a BLACK mountain lion that was in our area. Supposedly "released" by DEC. Didn't matter that I showed him science that said that black mountain lions are genetically impossible. Didn't matter that the DEC denies that 1) they have or ever had plans to release lions, 2)that there are lions in this area, 3) that black lions exist at all, anywhere.

There's was no arguing the point with him. His sister "saw it". If you questioned that maybe she was mistaken, you're calling his sister a liar. His dad had pictures. Can I see the pictures? I'll get one from my dad. Never happens. They saw the DEC with giant traps on their trucks near where people had seen this black lion. DEC denies even OWNING giant traps, say nothing of being where these people said they were.

DEC denials are just part of the conspiracy.

That's the problem with conspiracies. Denial only strengthens the belief of the conspiracy theorists.

That's the "circular" part. More denial means it's more true. Of course, if the DEC admitted it, it would also be true. Therefore, it's always true since denials are a cover up and admitting it makes it obviously true.
Nobody plans to screw up their lives...
...they just don't plan not to.
-Andy Stanley
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