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Old July 8, 2009, 12:57 PM   #156
Senator Vitaman
Join Date: May 2, 2009
Posts: 37
I think some people here are being a bit over-the top. A dog is an animal. This means that you don't have as high of a standard for using deadly force (I think, though check your laws, that you can use deadly force if an animal's causing significant harm to your property) and they are also to be treated differently for self-defense. While a human can 20 yards away might not be too much of a threat, an animal is a bit different. They run faster and probably take more time to stop if they are shot. (Like when deer run 100 yards after being shot) They are also more dangerous. If I get in a fistfight with someone about my size and skill and get cut I'm not as likely to die as if an animal bites me. The animal is also less likely to stop before killing me and while a human might just punch your face, an animal will bite and shake, seriously hurting you, or maybe even go for the throat.

Some people have said they would rather be bitten that shooting a dog. If you have other people in the group, I question how ethical it is to allow a human, a person, to be bitten by an attacking animal just to save said attacking animal.

Shooting a dog or someones pet is 10 years in prison where I live they concider it a crime here.It,s some kind of animal controll law here.
Would that law really apply to cases of self-defense? If laws against shooting people don't apply in self-defense cases, how could that apply?
__________________ This is scary stuff, tell congress no cutting off care.

Last edited by Senator Vitaman; July 8, 2009 at 01:12 PM.
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