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Old December 12, 2001, 10:39 AM   #24
Joe Demko
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Join Date: September 14, 2000
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An over-reaction on my part. I had the feeling this thread was about to turn into the "MY kung-fu is most powerful!" of the micturating contests I most detest (along with threads about the invincible samurai, the unbeatable WWII Germans, and Glock vs 1911). I retract anything that you may have perceived as a personal insult.
Anyway, my experience with SCARS is limited (as I said) to a single viewing of an early set of tapes and several magazine articles written by people who had attended SCARS "camps." Is SCARS unbeatable? No, but no "style" is unbeatable, only a particular practitioner may be unbeatable. Is SCARS a scam? No more or less than anything that might be taught as 1 to 3 day seminars. Is it worthless? No, but that isn't saying it's the greatest thing since gunpowder, either. Do I use it? No.
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