Thread: Cops
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Old February 7, 2007, 08:43 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by tlm225
I would need more than a "friend of a friend of a friend" account of suspects being paid to fight.
Well, I for one believe it. I mean come on. What BG is going to REALLY resist arrest when there's a huge camera in their face and can easily be identified if they were to escape. The only real COPS episodes were the early ones. It's just like how it is in boxing. Used to be real, but now has got so commercialized, that rather than being real, they just do what the people want them to do. Just think about it for a second. If you had to sit through 2 episodes of COPS and 1 episode was nothing but BGs being arrested without incident or violence, or an episode action packed and with BGs resisting arrest? Which would you choose and which would get the higher ratings? I'm not saying everything is fake now in that show, but most of it has got to be staged. For one thing, when do cops really treat a BG with as much respect as they do on the show? That's nothing compared to them dashboard camera videos that always get leaked to the public where the cops are cussing and yelling like crazy at the BGs.

I hope I don't come off sounding anti-LEO or pro-BG. Just stating my oppinion and what I been told.
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