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Old November 10, 2007, 11:23 AM   #13
Senior Member
Join Date: November 8, 2007
Location: Florida
Posts: 354
I usually scout for fresh tracks/crap and along trails and then put the stand about 30 yards or so off of that depending on the thickness of surrounding vegetation. Get about 20 or so feet up and go for it. I look for open areas to set back off of so you have more shots and greater usable field of vision. Ideally I like to be about 15 yards in the woods just off of a field. I've also set up looking across a swampy area that is low and open that deer might be found crossing.

Other tips, get out earlier and stay out later than the other guys. Be in your stand at sunrise, ready to go. Wait until you can't wait any longer (for lack of vision) before heading in at night. The majority of my parties kills have been early (which I'm always unprepared for) or late (real pain to field dress a deer in the dark).

Couple of tips.....lock your stand up at night. It will get stolen otherwise.

Safety....unload rifle and tie rope to it. Climb tree, then haul the rifle up.

Personally, having to hunt in the bitter MN cold, I would rather stalk deer. It keeps me warmer and provides more of a challenge.

A stand is an efficient way to hunt though. Good luck.
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