Thread: Select-fire
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Old September 13, 2009, 08:14 PM   #21
Tennessee Gentleman
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Originally Posted by maestro pistolero
that may be the closest we have ever come to a consensus, not 100% but it'll do.
I'll take it!

Originally Posted by maestro pistolero
That's not what I am saying. I don't think they were ever actually coupled. Are you referring to this?
Anti-gun types used to argue (stupidly) that the COTUS did not protect the RTKBA for personal self defense but rather only for "collective" or common defense. So, the government could restrict or even ban weapons for personal use as opposed to using arms as part of a militia service for the common defense. The point was stupid so it confuses things. In other words I could claim a RTKBA only as a member of the militia (which wasn't around how convienent!).

I personally believed as you do that self defense is defense whether I am fighting off a bunch of thugs or the Soviet Army. I have a right to personal self defense. Scalia upheld the militia part and then elaborated that we have this individual right apart from militia service and killed that old anti canard about the 2A applied only to militias.

Read Caroline Kennedy's insipid and probably ghost written like her Dad's Pulitzer book In Our Defense: The Bill of Rights in Action when she discusses the 2A she uses the Morton Grove decision to explain the 2A. Of course Morton grove doesn't ban handguns anymore do they?
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