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Old April 3, 2010, 11:39 AM   #17
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a treaty doesn't trump the constitution.

I call, garbage
It is pure unadulterated garbage. It surprises me that a poster passed on something like this without vetting it first. This mis-information is from a chain e-mail. This stuff is being concocted by wannabee pro-gun organizations and distributed far and wide by gunshow promoters, gunshop owners, ammo sellers and others who have a vested interest in keeping gun and ammo prices high.

First of all there is no treaty: There will be no treaty until at least 2012. There are dozens of UN treaties. Few, if any, of them have any effect on US citizens. There is a UN resolution that states that a country's citizens will keep their guns:

UN General Assembly Resolution A/C.1/64/L.38/Rev.1, Oct. 28: …Acknowledging also the right of States to regulate internal transfers of arms and national ownership, including through national constitutional protections on private ownership, exclusively within their territory…

This one was debunked some time ago:
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