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Old June 11, 2009, 09:45 PM   #3
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Join Date: June 7, 1999
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Tom Servo writes:

To all this, of course, the uplifters have a ready answer. (At having ready answers, indeed, they always shine!) The New York thugs, they say, are armed to the teeth because New Jersey and Connecticut lack Sullivan Laws.

The more things change...

Many thanks for this. I'd heard of it but have never been able to find a copy.

Speaking of which, does anyone know where to find the actual text of the Sullivan act?



Re your last, concerning the text of the Sullivan Law, the original version going back to 1911, I would suggest, and this is only a suggestion, digging through The New York State Code or the Sate Criminal Code or what ever exactly they might call it. Possibly archives. Good luck. I assume that you read the Mencken piece.
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