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Old August 10, 2011, 11:08 PM   #79
Join Date: February 12, 2001
Location: DFW Area
Posts: 24,990
I'm really surprised to see 20% of the respondents who would refuse to defend themselves if attacked.
I don't see anyone saying that. I do see some folks saying that they would try to get away rather than trying to take down a mob with a handgun, but that's not saying that they wouldn't defend themselves as much as it's saying that they believe that firing a few shots into a mob would be ineffective or even counterproductive.
...a group of teenage males conducting open air drug sales (threat).
No, a group of teenage males conducting open air drug sales may be breaking the law, but that doesn't automatically make them a threat. It might make them a POTENTIAL threat--something worth keeping an eye on--but that's a very different thing than saying they are actually a threat.
Profiling potential adversaries is part of situational awareness
Sure it is, as long as you don't take it to an extreme like you did in your example above.

A profile may tell you someone is potentially a threat or that they may be more likely to be a threat, but you can't decide someone IS a threat simply because of what they look like or what they're wearing or driving.
Do you know about the TEXAS State Rifle Association?
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