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Old April 19, 2012, 03:45 AM   #57
Join Date: June 15, 2010
Location: Michigan
Posts: 61
Very interesting post.

I'm a physician too. Regarding treating the perp just shot in a SD scenario, I am in my home. What can I do? I have some 4x4s in my bathroom and some bacitracin ointment. But seriously; in this scenario the other person has several 9mm SD rounds in his chest. Am I going to needle his chest with the barrel of a ballpoint pen? Auscultate with my spare stethoscope? Start CPR? Call 911, retire to safety, and let the police and EMS do their thing.

As a civilian hypothetically involved in a shooting, this is a one off emotionally traumatic event. Would I even by mentally or emotionally capable of rendering aid? Compare this to a soldier in an army that has been at war for 10 years. Probably not the first person he's shot, not the last, nothing but work, work, work. Very different scenarios.
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