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Old April 10, 2013, 09:53 PM   #210
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Join Date: January 15, 2013
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The irony of this new background check law, that many seem to be losing sight of, is the violations of the current background check law (lying on the ATF 4473) isn't being enforced and prosecuted. And their answer is more background checks that can't be enforced for the 300,000,000+/- (or some number that I don't feel like looking up right now) firearms already in circulation. Why should any Senator or Congressman, or any of us agree to more laws when the current ones aren't being enforced? How is that any kind of compromise?

And although some new feel-good clarifications may make something permissive at the federal level, unless there's specific language in this new law that makes it trump state laws, the draconian states can still impose stiffer restrictions.
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