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Old June 9, 2013, 10:35 AM   #39
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Join Date: January 2, 2013
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I stopped going to gun shows about the time gun show attendees stopped using deoderant, brought infants in side-by-side strollers, felt compelled to stand in small aisles talking in groups of three or four...
Those people are all now at my local Cabela's.

I see essentially two kinds of demographics at gun shows today.

1) Old men dealers who all know each other. "Hi Vern, how's that grandson?". They may or may not sell something but I think it's social gathering for them.

2) Young couples who feel they need to "arm up" in case of the whatever. They bring 4-5 thousand dollars cash and figure they will just "bite the bullet" and buy what they need all at once. They buy a Glock and an AR and as much bulk ammo as they can with what's left over. I typically see that same couple at the range a week later shooting at 5yard sillhouettes.

It's a "show" alright. The guns aren't always the primary players in the show.

Sgt Lumpy
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