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Old April 23, 2013, 12:22 PM   #39
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Join Date: October 3, 2012
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What was the name of the Company it was sent to?
Really? It was in the OP, and it has been mentioned several times in the thread. Here:

Dear gentlemen!

The hereby rendered weapon Glock 17 number AC 428 has been strained with 348'210 rounds during functional and endurance firing.

The firing has been done exclusively with Hirtenberger ammunition. The following types have been used mostly: 65% 30% 5%

Up to the mentioned number of bullets after which the barrel lacerated, no gross errors have occured.

The firing pin spring and recoil spring have each been replaced once.

The weapon would be fully functional again if fitted with a replacement barrel.

We remain with our best thanks for your obligingness sincerly yours

Hirtenberger incorporation
Does that help?

I agree there is more proof than normal.

But that doesn't convince me, I'm a die hard cynic. I have loads of questions. My first question would be why? Why so much ammo through this one firearm? Was it simply a test firearm, as they are an ammunition company, and that is the number of rounds that have accumulated over time? I'd love to see it too.

Anyway, I believe it's possible.
Sure there are questions, and without having the actual engineer hand me the physical letter saying "Yes, this is true." and then showing video of all 300,000+ rounds being fired, there is certainly room for it being a fake.

As far as what I'm used to as "proof" on the Internet, I'm satisfied. And not just because I'm a Glock shooter...I'd accept it for anything.
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