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Old February 12, 2009, 11:31 AM   #110
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Join Date: January 28, 2009
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Mwauh Deeeb

"A defender must be mentally and emotionally prepared to attack their attacker forcefully with intent and aggression until they can achieve an acceptable outcome."

You keep saying that, but have never provided anything to support the idea. Given that so many successful trainers have and do teach otherwise, to consitue to insist on the point seems questionable at best. My students can and have achieved acceptable outcomes without feeling any need " attack their attacker forcefully with intent and aggression....".
I must really be in the stone age.

This strategy is for when the attack has already started.

You are a jogger, someone bigger than you leaps out of the bushes and knocks you down, they straddle you, and start pummelling you and are trying to put duct tape around your wrists.

I dont know the vulcan nerve pinch (although I must confess I really wish I did). My response is to that is to attack my attacker forcefully with intent and aggression and to not stop until I can reach an acceptable outcome.

Please enlighten me. You have a better way, I am all ears (so to speak).

Last edited by Gaxicus; February 12, 2009 at 12:04 PM.
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