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Old July 20, 2001, 06:35 AM   #3
Al Thompson
Staff Alumnus
Join Date: May 2, 1999
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 3,611
Lots of things to do, here are the (IMHO) critical ones.

Get familier with the area if possible - scouting vastly improves your chances. Nothing much worse than having to pick a stand or stalking path during hunting season on new ground.

Generate a checklist for your gear. Key is having just enough stuff, better to err on the too much side though. Don't forget a method to get your deer out of the woods.

Get your rifle zeroed and practice. Determine your personal max range and never assume horsepower can make up for poor bullet placement.

Pay attention while hunting - never had a dull day lounging inb the woods, nature is the original action movie and it's free!

Good luck!
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