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Old March 10, 2005, 06:53 PM   #30
Jungle Work
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Join Date: January 31, 2005
Location: 20 Miles from Water, 2 Miles from Hell
Posts: 282
Like John Kerry?

I'm always a little suspicious of folks who set themselves up as having the right hero stuff. Vietnam is over, and I don't really want to hear about it anymore. In my opinion TFL is about guns, not ranting and not guts.

Son, all my Heros died in Vietnam.

Maybe you should talk to the owners of this board and suggest that they eliminate the forums you don't like. Maybe they can start a forum on quilting if in the Tactics and Training forum makes you queesy and sick feeling.
There are other forums here besides ones devoted to firearms if you bother to look. As far as you not liking to hear about Vietnam and those who served, that's about typical for many of my age group. I Honor the Service Your Family has given to this Country but, Gee, my father and my uncles served in combat in WWII and Korea. I've had relatives that I know of serving the United States or the Southern States since the War of Northern Aggression. That and $1.00 will buy me a cup of coffee. It's my knowledge of their sacrifice and devotion to duty that makes me proud of them. Maybe you can go down to the local VA Hospital and tell the folks how you feel about them.

I don't think for a minute the full test of courage is for one man to kill another. It sure as hell isn't anything to brag about.

Spoken like at true pacifist. People who say things like this make me want to puke. I sure the young men now serving in the near east would love to hear you speak of their sacrifices for this country and it's people in such terms. You may not honor the men who have served in combat,but I sure the Hell do, but then again that's the difference in you and me. I also honor the men and women who go out each day and protect me and my family from the scum and animals who prey upon the weak and defenseless people of our community. And I sure don't whine and cry about the spilt blood of those who attack our country or it's citizens.

Bull what it boils down to is I'm not as impressed with you as you are yourself. And John Kerry was just one man, I knew many brave and selfless young men who served, lived and died in Vietnam and if you don't want to hear about it, Sin Loi. The true test of courage is how a person lives his life, whether in the military, combat or as a member of his community. Maybe some day you'll understand that.

Jungle Work
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