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Old December 18, 2012, 02:31 PM   #9
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Honestly I don't agree with the NRA on this one, at least fully.

The antis say that gun shows are full of 'unlicensed dealers' where anyone can buy machine guns, no questions asked, with no background check.

The pro-gun people say there's no such thing as a gun show loophole, and that all gun transfers at shows from licensed dealers go through NICS.

The antis are right about one thing, which is that there are some 'individual sellers' at gun shows who usually have a fair number of guns for sale, and whom I seem to see at every gun show.

To my way of thinking, such a person is an 'unlicensed dealer' for all practical intents and purposes.

Now, as a caveat, I'd like to mention that the ones that I have seen are also responsible in requiring a permit to purchase or carry in order to buy a gun from them, but I can imagine that not everyone is as scrupulous.
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