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Old August 20, 2001, 10:26 AM   #30
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Join Date: July 25, 2000
Location: Lake Forest, CA USA
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RazorsEdge gets it. The UFC is not perfect. But, it is the closest you can get to real life without having people crippled for life.

If you think you are going to eye gouge and bite your way out of an armbar or choke, you are in la-la land. Fine, you may take a chunk out of me with a bite. But, it won't stop my armbar. It will just piss me off and make me hurt you more once you are defenseless. Also, I can bite and scratch too.

If the whole secret to these "deadly" combat arts is these dirty tricks, it seems like a huge waste of time. I knew how to bite and scratch when I was a kid.

Lastly, until you have actually bitten your way out of an armbar, what makes you think you can do it? I know my technique work because I test them against opponents who resist 100%.
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