Thread: Point shooting
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Old January 11, 2012, 12:22 PM   #4
Senior Member
Join Date: May 25, 2011
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I do practice point shooting. To me IMHO, point shooting is shooting without aid of the sights. I would say this applies to both 1 and 2 handed shooting and in any direction in relation to the body.

For me at least with pistols that point naturally in my hands, at a range of 10 yards or less, that in practice I will hit a human sized target without taking the time to line up my sights etc. Granted that's all in the comfort of an indoor range and not in the real world, but I figure better to have at least practiced a skill if the time come that it needs to be utilized than have not.

Also practicing point shooting seems to have helped with some of the basics. I've found my support hand gets in the right place more easily now, and I do much less of the readjusting you've seen on the range. I definitely used to do that a lot, now not as much. Also being cross eye dominant I think it has helped me be more comfortable bring a pistol to bear and knowing it will be on target before I turn my head to line up my eyes with the sights.
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