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Old January 4, 2013, 11:28 AM   #10
Strafer Gott
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Join Date: May 12, 2011
Location: New Mexico
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I submit that vets experiences with the VA are all over the map. I have a bud who seems to have received pretty decent care in the last six months. I had a couple more buds that I honestly believe VA incompetence put in the ground way early. It's a crap shoot to me. It's still better than nothing. When flu shots were scarce, my civilian M.D. told me I was at risk and should definitely get the shot. He told me the only place in town that had it was the VA. He said " You're a vet, go get one." I waited four hours for it at the VA shot clinic. I saw many others come and go. When I asked about it, the two candy stripers told me I didn't meet the standard to receive one. Now I'm as diabetic as any type I, the VA said it's Agent orange years ago and awarded 60%, so I can be a little irritable. Anyway I asked the candy stripers if they were more medically qualified to make that decision than my doctor. Well they called security, and I bugged out to preserve my clean record. 2-3 weeks later the newspaper reported that the VA had to dispose of a large quantity of the vaccine due to poor storage. I use my disability to purchase health care I can count on. Jesus wept.
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