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Old February 10, 2013, 06:59 PM   #16
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Join Date: May 3, 2009
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If working on quick combat type shooting then grip is a huge factor. Sight picture is going to be a rough one, as in not going for precise.

Forget the concept of one tiny, or even ragged hole. Think more along the lines of keeping all shots inside the 8 ring of a B-27 out to about 15 yards.

Also a lot of one handed shootig should be worked on. You may not get the chance to get both hands on the gun, or the perfect stance in the heat of the moment while you are figting for your life. I work on one handed shooting, and bringing my off hand to the grip after a couple of shots when I have gained distance from my target. You may not be able to do the moving on most ranges. As well many ranges have rules on how many shots per couple of seconds one can shoot. (The rules are there for a real good reason.)
No matter how many times you do it and nothing happens it only takes something going wrong one time to kill you.
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